Friday, September 19, 2008


As told by S.X. Leuk

A man set out to sea see what he could find
a quest or fortune, or perhaps the love of his life

So he traveled with a motley crew, for they knew the seven seas more then you.
and old boat he barged for and called it Juice. .
Stopped at a near by harbor to rest and ponder

And pleaded to a young and fair lady which one of them was of fairest appeal
The Young and beautiful lady answered in a most dainty fashion
With a tone that could sooth the storms
and make the mermaids rage with jealousy, with such passion and style she uttered

The End


Alyx Jones said...

what the heck....hahahha nice photos

Anonymous said...

Oh what a very juicy story....looks like u guys had a lot of fun! luves u!

Rick said...

HAha thanks Leila

PeterPeter said...

You sure tell a good story.